Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will Mow for Burrito!!

So with all of the trouble I've been having as of late with my mower situation, I decided it to go ahead and get a decent used mower. With a decent mower that was actually comfortable to ride I began thinking, hmmmm.....

Maybe I can help recoup some of my cost of the mower if I do a little work on the side. So being that I'm already known for my love of the cheap little California Burrito, so well known that my new nickname has become the Burrito Bandit!! I now intend on mowing a few yards for extra money (Burrito Money That Is).

One of my perspective clients ask about who to make the check out to and I said my best friends call me "Cash" and that I had a very greedy uncle that didn't really need to know what I was doing all the time!!


  1. dude i swear you are nuts for a burrito lol but you should come mow with kens and see if you like it rides like a cadillac and runs like a deer hey man i gotta go with you one day and try one of these burritos just let me know the day

  2. If it rides like a cadillac and runs like a deer it better have a cup holder to hold my beer!
