Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will Mow for Burrito!!

So with all of the trouble I've been having as of late with my mower situation, I decided it to go ahead and get a decent used mower. With a decent mower that was actually comfortable to ride I began thinking, hmmmm.....

Maybe I can help recoup some of my cost of the mower if I do a little work on the side. So being that I'm already known for my love of the cheap little California Burrito, so well known that my new nickname has become the Burrito Bandit!! I now intend on mowing a few yards for extra money (Burrito Money That Is).

One of my perspective clients ask about who to make the check out to and I said my best friends call me "Cash" and that I had a very greedy uncle that didn't really need to know what I was doing all the time!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sit'n in the Morning Sun

On mornings I don't have to get up for work, it seems as I still get outta bed at roughly the same time. I suspect that this is the same for most everybody that works a routine job at either 8 or 9 to 5ish...

What I can't understand is why in the crap our bodies don't understand that they could use the extra rest. Even in I wake up at normal time it doesn't mean I couldn't go back to sleep right... WRONG!!

Well at least when I wake on morning like that I get to gander on one of the most beautiful sights that my eyes have ever seen... My sleeping wife and beautiful baby girl! So peaceful when they sleep!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

As We get Older

You know things change greatly... We learn the facts of life and as the marriage vows go, there will be for better and worse...

I whole heartily believe that when it rains it pours!! It seems like everything I touch to work on or work with has broke the last week. Like stinking mowers and random other things.

Been having problems with my riding mower lately and just gave up and grabbed my push mower this evening to knock down the worst around the front of house. As I was mowing around our lovely yard ornament (ATT Phone Box), the cover fell off. Then about 20 red wasp came flying out looking for who just turned on the lights. Now this normally wouldn't be a big issue except for the fact that I had barely got my push mower started and was afraid if I let go of the kill switch it wouldn't start back.

You all should have seen this fat boy running across the yard with a running push mower. Who needs a bad boy mower. I was running like 10 mph and mowing like a fool!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My 1st Follower!!

THANK U THANK U THANK U!!! Hang on for some crazy crap that comes outa this brain.. I promiss!!!

Comments!! Extra spending money!

So I'm really trying to come up with some ways to make extra cash. I have many ideas but none of them seem to be realistic.

I have alot of skills that I can use outside of my normal job. Having alot of hobbies does come in handy as they teach me how to do things on my own. The more I think about it tho I seem to wanta go back to some type of freelance stuff. You know work when I can and not on a regular have to basis. I like the idea of still having free time.

Ahh... Free time!!! You know, all of my life I have heard the saying. "If you have money, you don't have time to spend it for working all of the time; and if you have the time to spend the money, then more than likely you don't have the money to spend!" Man does that saying ring through in my head over and over again.

None the less.. If anyone has any legit ways of making a little extra cash online please drop a comment and I will be very thankful. Don't wanta get rich quick just have a little extra spending money!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Just when you think you have life figured out, outta the blue comes a smack in the face from left field. I dont Mean the left fielder for the Yanks either.

For Example-
When I was younger I set goals for my life and they wern't just whims... These were very well thought out goals for me to shoot for as I grew up. Well.... I have reached some of those goals and found myself standing at a point where I realize I undershot my goals.

Finding out I undershot means that I get to kick start my brain!! SO COME ON BRAIN... Lets get the party started!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Biggest Hobbie EVER!!

You know... I've got a lot of hobbies and activities that I enjoy participating in. Some I still do more than others.

But, I know for sure that is the biggest hobbie and the most rewarding is the way I spend the majority of my time now.

My baby girl turns 1 today and has to be my best accomplishment in life. She is way too cute and way to sweet!!

Her mom and me are very proud parents and we love our little family. At this pint in my life I entirely belive that a childs smile is the most contagious feeling in the world.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Riding Motorcyles in Fog

Ahhhh... Its just a little fog!! Bull!!! The first time I rode a bike in fog was just after I started riding. I was riding back and forth to work at the time which was about 1 hour and 10 min each way. I didn't have leather jackets, chaps, or even a rain suite! I just had on a pull over hoodie and my jeans. As the ride started out I'm like, This is pretty cool with the nice mist like morning keeping the summer temps bearable. Long story short, by the time I got to work that morning you would have thought that I had rode through a Monsoon!! I was soaked!! All of the guys at work who had been riding for years just busted out laughing as I walked through the door! Lesson well learned. Fog and motorcycles only mike if you have the right gear for the situation!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

05 F150 SuperCrew

I bought a used 05 F150 SuperCrew about a year ago. I never have been the type to leave my vehicles stock, so I've made a few changes for after market parts. I added a 2.5" Leveling Kit to the front to allow me to clear 295/75/17 in Nitto Terra Grapplers on Moto Metal 951's. I have and Edge Evo Programmer to help with power, fuel economy, and Tire size adjustments for the speedometer. I added a Magnaflow 18" muffler (Welded into the stock pipes). I have tinted windows to help keep it cool along with Vent Visors to allow me to keep windows cracked without the summer shower soaking my insides. I have a drop in bed liner to cover up where the previous owner used the bed for and actual truck. I also have a Tri Fold Bed Cover that allows me to easily open and close the cover as needed. Not only does it make it unique but each thing serves a purpose. All and all with the addons and the versatility of the 4 doors with a bed to haul and still pull up to 8000 to 10000 pounds makes this a very very nice vehicle.

Do You Know!!??

Do you know anyone who actually took a vacation to go see results of the oil spill in the Gulf. Kind of a wierd concept and then when you stop and think about it, something inside says... "COULD BE INTERESTING!"

What did we do before the internet

In the recent weeks I have been looking into finding a way of making some extra cash. What I have really found is an even greater appreciation for the Internet. I remember going through high school and doing research on a card catalogue to find books that could be relevant to the subject we were supposed to be writing about. Well now as I do research on possible money making ideas, I literally haven't even picked up a piece of paper. All my curiosities have been fulfilled with a little searching on the Internet. Such a powerful tool if you just know how to ask the right questions. So my thought on this subject simply matches my title. WHAT DID WE DO BEFORE THE INTERNET?

To Small Business or not to Small Business!!

Well this morning I find myself in the shoes of many many people. Some of those have taken ideas and ran with them and created products or services that literally changed the way people live their lives today. Bill Gates and Microsoft being the one that sticks out in my mind. I mean come on... he literally took a garage hobby changed the world forever. Well my small business idea in no way could effect the entire world. I just want to find some way of supplementing my income a little to try and stay ahead of the rat race we call life. Never the less it is a decision that has to be made carefully. Weigh the risk versus the possible advantages. Best Case worst Case and in the end it comes down to making a decision.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Another Hobby!! MOTORCYCLES

Yep... You Guessed it.. I live in the South. I hunt, I fish, I drive a 4x4 Ford F-150, and I play the guitar so you should have known that I would ride bikes. I bet your thinking Harley Davidson or Victory right! Maybe even Honda, Kawasaki, or Suzuki. Maybe even an old Indian. Nope... Cut me and I bleed Yamaha blue. I have a little Vstar Custom that I stripped down and bought some parts for and made a little custom bobber out of. It's got custom paint, aftermarket pipes, springer seat, custom signal and tail lights. But the only problem is that is just a little 650. I wish I would have waited and built this bike out of a 1100 vstar or maybe a 1600 or 1700 Roadstar. The bike pulls me around fine and I love the way it handles and rides. Just wish it had a that big twin sound. With its 5 speed gear box it seems wound pretty tight at about 70. A little too tight to be a real highway bike. But on the back country roads its nimble as a sport bike to me. Just gotta watch dragging the floor boards.

Another Hobby!! PHOTOGRAPHY

Yep, It seems as tho with introduction of the digital slr cameras like the Nikon D60, Nikon D3000, Canon Xs, and Canon Xsi that everyone jumped on the side business of photography. These entry level cameras will take great pictures and will produce prints that professional quality if the photographer has a decent eye and a steady hand. I picked up a Canon Rebel Xs used off of craigslist when my daughter was born and I will have to admit. I really considered giving a go at doing some freelance photography work. But when I looked into it seemed like everyone is doing it. Most of the people just starting out tho don't have a a real clue about shutter speed, aperture, and bokeh. It just takes some reading and research online to get a general understanding about each of these. The way I see this topic is I wouldn't dream of taking pictures of someone's wedding if I was simply going to use the auto setting of my digital slr. I think the client would deserve better if they were paying for this. Ok... Rant over... That aside I really enjoy taking photos of my family and friends but I find myself participating in the action too much to really wanta keep my camera around my neck to take pictures. Maybe someday when I slow down a little more. Who knows that may come quicker than I think if I keep getting sore from just normal activities!!

Next Hobby... MUSIC

Now I know this Newer Generation thinks music is stuff from Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana, Usher, and Others. I think everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion and own taste but when I say music I mean the real stuff... Eric Clapton, Jimmy Buffett, Garth Brooks, Toby Kieth, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and a ton of other musicians and bands that actually played their own music and sang lyrics that we can actually understand. My love for music is embedded deep from generations of musicians. Now I don't mean people performing in stadiums and stuff, I mean people setting on the front porch with a banjo, guitar, and a pair of spoons. Yes, I said a pair of spoons. I ventured out a little when performing in a classic rock band in high school. Playing Guitar and singing a little. Still play on a fairly regular bassis with my Father and wouldn't trade the time and experience for anything.

The other aspect of Music in my life was playing trombone in the my high school marching band. Now comming from a small town our high school was small so we were able to participate and march in the high school band starting in the 6th grade. So for 7 years of my life that was my life. I learned more about life as I grew up in the band than I learned about music. Never the less my teacher Mr. Sharp continues to be one of my friends and I will never be able to thank him enough for not only showing me a great appriciation for music but for being and incredible mentor and helping shape the person I have become today!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

While I'm on Hobbies lets talk about Mine.. FISHING

So I really enjoy fishing but it seems as of late that I don't want to take the time to do that. I really break my fishing hobby down into two segments.

Fly Fishing for Trout
This has been a passion of mine for years. I had a friend of mine invite me along for some good ole fashion corn fishing for trout and after I had failed miserably I began watching the one gentlemen in the middle of the river. He was standing on a that was just barely submerged. His body was silhouetted by the evening sun setting over the ridge. I could see the motion of the fly rod's cast back and forth with an amazing "J" like rhythm. The setting was absolutely beautiful and from that moment on I knew that I had to participate. I could write an entire book full of great humor in my first attempts at this and then after finally getting the cast the ability to actually catch AND LAND fish!!

Bass Fishing
When our local trout stream is running two turbines it is extremely dangerous to wade and I am getting clumsy in my older younger years. So I also bass fish. I used to fish Tournaments but finally realized that fun as it was I was spending way to much money to just get to fish for fun... So in recent years I just fish when I get a chance for bass and occasionally just through a little grub spinner for bream. I sure aint no Bill Dance but I have had some follies of my own.

So the Good and Bad about hobbies...

Well, Hobbies gives us time to chill and clear our minds from the normal grim. They give us time to spend with friends, have good conversation, and strengthen our skills. Well the statement "Work Hard, Play Harder!" definately applys to my hobbies and the result from working the pits for one of my best friends dirt track car is the fact that i'm so sore today that I can barely move... ALL IN GREAT FUN THO!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hobbies.... What is too many!!

You know some people are dead set on one thing in life... and then there are the rest of use who have absolutly too many hobbies. When you set on your days off and just cant decide what you wanta do becuse you have too many options it really cant be a good thing. So the question here is should we really just consolidate down to one and focus on that? But one thing about many hobbies is you learn alot of information.