Thursday, July 22, 2010

As We get Older

You know things change greatly... We learn the facts of life and as the marriage vows go, there will be for better and worse...

I whole heartily believe that when it rains it pours!! It seems like everything I touch to work on or work with has broke the last week. Like stinking mowers and random other things.

Been having problems with my riding mower lately and just gave up and grabbed my push mower this evening to knock down the worst around the front of house. As I was mowing around our lovely yard ornament (ATT Phone Box), the cover fell off. Then about 20 red wasp came flying out looking for who just turned on the lights. Now this normally wouldn't be a big issue except for the fact that I had barely got my push mower started and was afraid if I let go of the kill switch it wouldn't start back.

You all should have seen this fat boy running across the yard with a running push mower. Who needs a bad boy mower. I was running like 10 mph and mowing like a fool!!


  1. I would like to have seen that.... from a distance.

  2. I'm telling you man!! Never a dull moment in the country life!!

  3. wow dude that is as fast as a freakin zero turn lawn mower lol congrats haha hang in there derrick your luck will change
