Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Definition of Irony

You know when you try to get alot of work done in a hurry it is always nice to have an extra hand... Well at least I thought that was the truth. As the Burrito Bandit was mowing Saturday, I had a gentlemen offer to help. I was running short on time and gladly accepted the offer.

After a short while he comes to find me carrying my wheel to my push mower. He had broken the deck of the mower completely where the wheel attaches.

It still mowed with 3 wheels enough to get the job finished and then as I was putting it back on the trailer I noticed a stick hanging from the front. I immediately though it was simply a broken stick lodged. As I pulled on the stick I noticed that it was strategically inserted in place of the bolt that holds my gas tank and carburetor on the motor.

Now I am involved in alot of things here lately and I forget and misplace many things but I am almost positive I didn't break a small piece of stick and put in on my mower in place of a missing bolt!! LOL

So to finish up my story with a moral... Make sure that when you accept help from a generous person that it doesn't wind up being 1 step forward and 2 steps back!!!

Burrito Bandit Out!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Burrito Bandit is really starting to hate Exchange!!

So, Been out of touch last few days... Food for thought is do we really need freaking email!!! LOL Reasoning behind this is that my job as a System Administrator has been very stressful last couple of days due to our old Exchange server finally crashing.

Luckily we had a new server already up and running but didn't have all users converted over to the new platform yet. So with all the little quirks I am totally convinced that whoever designed and created Exchange 2007 should be drug behind a truck, down a gravel road, and then dropped off of a cliff! I mean come on it takes alot to get the Bandito to really hate something but I mean it caused me to miss lunch!!

So in essence Microsoft kept me from my FREAKING BURRITO!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will Mow for Burrito!!

So with all of the trouble I've been having as of late with my mower situation, I decided it to go ahead and get a decent used mower. With a decent mower that was actually comfortable to ride I began thinking, hmmmm.....

Maybe I can help recoup some of my cost of the mower if I do a little work on the side. So being that I'm already known for my love of the cheap little California Burrito, so well known that my new nickname has become the Burrito Bandit!! I now intend on mowing a few yards for extra money (Burrito Money That Is).

One of my perspective clients ask about who to make the check out to and I said my best friends call me "Cash" and that I had a very greedy uncle that didn't really need to know what I was doing all the time!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sit'n in the Morning Sun

On mornings I don't have to get up for work, it seems as I still get outta bed at roughly the same time. I suspect that this is the same for most everybody that works a routine job at either 8 or 9 to 5ish...

What I can't understand is why in the crap our bodies don't understand that they could use the extra rest. Even in I wake up at normal time it doesn't mean I couldn't go back to sleep right... WRONG!!

Well at least when I wake on morning like that I get to gander on one of the most beautiful sights that my eyes have ever seen... My sleeping wife and beautiful baby girl! So peaceful when they sleep!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

As We get Older

You know things change greatly... We learn the facts of life and as the marriage vows go, there will be for better and worse...

I whole heartily believe that when it rains it pours!! It seems like everything I touch to work on or work with has broke the last week. Like stinking mowers and random other things.

Been having problems with my riding mower lately and just gave up and grabbed my push mower this evening to knock down the worst around the front of house. As I was mowing around our lovely yard ornament (ATT Phone Box), the cover fell off. Then about 20 red wasp came flying out looking for who just turned on the lights. Now this normally wouldn't be a big issue except for the fact that I had barely got my push mower started and was afraid if I let go of the kill switch it wouldn't start back.

You all should have seen this fat boy running across the yard with a running push mower. Who needs a bad boy mower. I was running like 10 mph and mowing like a fool!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My 1st Follower!!

THANK U THANK U THANK U!!! Hang on for some crazy crap that comes outa this brain.. I promiss!!!

Comments!! Extra spending money!

So I'm really trying to come up with some ways to make extra cash. I have many ideas but none of them seem to be realistic.

I have alot of skills that I can use outside of my normal job. Having alot of hobbies does come in handy as they teach me how to do things on my own. The more I think about it tho I seem to wanta go back to some type of freelance stuff. You know work when I can and not on a regular have to basis. I like the idea of still having free time.

Ahh... Free time!!! You know, all of my life I have heard the saying. "If you have money, you don't have time to spend it for working all of the time; and if you have the time to spend the money, then more than likely you don't have the money to spend!" Man does that saying ring through in my head over and over again.

None the less.. If anyone has any legit ways of making a little extra cash online please drop a comment and I will be very thankful. Don't wanta get rich quick just have a little extra spending money!